Garonga Safari Camp and Little Garonga now proudly offer an enhanced game viewing experience as the Greater Makalali Private Nature Reserve now has free-roaming buffalo!
The Greater Makalali Private Nature Reserve has not seen free-roaming buffalo for more than 100 years. Re-introducing them was no easy task as South African buffalo can be carriers of major diseases, especially Corridor Disease and Bovine Tuberculosis. In 2009 the reserve invested in twelve disease free buffalo and moved them into a 400 hectare breeding enclosure. Over the last decade Makalali’s population has swelled to a stunning fifty-two animals and on the 22nd June, the enclosure’s Eastern fence was dropped and the buffalo were spectacularly released into the Reserve.
They are also proud to announce that an additional 3 wild dogs have also recently been released into the Greater Makalali Private Nature Reserve as part of the Wild Dog Range Expansion Project.
Over the years as the Greater Makalali Private Nature Reserve has grown and developed, as land has been rehabilitated, they have continued to reintroduce species to the area. Diversifying gene pools and helping these animals survive for future generations to marvel at.
Little Garonga annual closure dates:
Little Garonga will now be open for March 2020 and have its annual maintenance closure from 25 May 2020 – 20 June 2020. Please also note that the annual closure dates for Safari Camp have not changed and the closure will still take place from 01 March 2020 – 31 March 2020.