I come from a very small town in “The Swartland” called Koringberg- just aside Moorreesburg. I am the youngest of 4 children. Growing up as a child in the country side and being the youngest, I was always outside playing on my own, riding my motor cycle, horse riding or hiking…always developing my love for the outdoors! 28 years ago my career kicked off being a coach hostess. From there my curiosity for this industry just got greater as this industry developed and that brought me finally to Tour d’Afrique. I love to travel, gain knowledge and learn about new cultures. I am married to my soul mate and best friend and blessed to have one daughter. We are very family bounded and as a family we love to spend time with each other and are inseparable.
Phone : +27 (0) 21 526 9039
Email : wilmien@tourdafrique.co.za